Let us Play!

If human beings play for love’s sake, as God does, then the goal of playing is not simply free enjoyment of life that defies oppression... Instead, playing involves experiencing authenticity in our creative, loving search for being-with and for one another. 

--Courtney Goto

For the season of Easter, we will engage in the fun, the freedom, and the work of play together as a community. There will be space for creative play (music, arts, dance),imaginative play (joke writing, storytelling, and meditation), and gaming play (kickball, board games, and more). 

In our gatherings, we will discover anew the pleasure of play and the importance of enjoying God's world and each other, which is serious business indeed.


We meet at Trinity Avenue Presbyterian Church (927 W. Trinity Ave) in the chapel (2nd floor) unless otherwise noted. The main entrance to our gathering is off the Gregson St. parking lot, near the playground. If you have preschool aged children or younger, you can park in the Trinity Ave. lot for more convenient drop off to the nursery. 


Masks are optional in our gatherings. If you are experiencing any cold or flu-like symptoms, we encourage you to mask to reduce the transmission of illness and protect the most vulnerable among us. If you have a fever, please stay home.

O ur Covid Policies

If you have any questions or concerns about joining us for the first time, please don't hesitate to reach out to one of our pastors or email admin@emmausway.net. We make this road by walking together, and we'd be fortunate to have you companion with us on this journey.