Summer @ EWay

 “Mark is a Gospel that invites us to experience Jesus’ complex identity: at one point unable to do mighty works because of people’s unbelief and at another walking on the water as only God can do; at one point demanding that people not announce his miracles; and at another clearly announcing his death and resurrection. This progressive approach helps readers to answer the question Jesus asks his disciples midway through, Who do you say that I am?. The answer may change at the end of each chapter…[and] when we reread Mark’s Gospel, the answer may change again.” 

--Dr. Amy Jill Levine

Join us as we dialogue together about who Jesus is through the storytelling lens of Mark. Come ready to be surprised, challenged, and invigorated by the first canonical Gospel. You can read more about the series here


We meet at Trinity Avenue Presbyterian Church (927 W. Trinity Ave) in the chapel (2nd floor) unless otherwise noted. The main entrance to our gathering is off the Gregson St. parking lot, near the playground. If you have preschool aged children or younger, you can park in the Trinity Ave. lot for more convenient drop off to the nursery. 


Masks are optional in our gatherings. If you are experiencing any cold or flu-like symptoms, we encourage you to mask to reduce the transmission of illness and protect the most vulnerable among us. If you have a fever, please stay home.

Our Covid Policies

If you have any questions or concerns about joining us for the first time, please don't hesitate to reach out to one of our pastors or email We make this road by walking together, and we'd be fortunate to have you companion with us on this journey.